Teacher Snapshot: Paul Sheridan

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Our newest addition to the team this year hasn’t been properly introduced yet! Paul Sheridan has kindly accepted the STEM A position this term, replacing an outgoing member of our team. Welcome to KAIS, Paul!

Paul Sheridan was born and raised in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. After graduating from Dalhousie University with a Master of Science in Probability and Statistics, he came to Japan to study genomic data science at Tokyo Institute of Technology. He went on to do postdoctoral research in cancer genomics at The University of Tokyo, and served more recently as an assistant professor at Hirosaki University. Paul currently acts as Chief Science Officer at Tupac.bio, which is a biotech startup that he co-founded in 2015 (see www.tupac.bio). In addition to teaching and mentoring at the university level, Paul has taught English as a second language and tutored junior high and high school students in math and science. He is excited to join the KAIS team to teach the STEM A science class this term. In his free time, Paul enjoys foraging for mushrooms, making sculptures out of clay, curating historical anecdotes (see www.anecdotesfromantiquity.com), and recording classic science fiction television show and film themes (see www.themeontology.org). For more about Paul check www.paulsheridan.net.

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